The Young Protectors
When creating the Young Protectors I knew that they were going to be outcasts in the Protector community. I had made eight young protectors but as time went on I realized that some had more character development time than others. I sadly had to get rid of two. But it took a load off of me I could develop the characters that I kept a lot better.
Being an outsider is not a bad thing
The characters that they become allies with are also outsiders to the rest of the people they are around. Dr. No-face is a protector but he can't remember who he was, he's a shape-shifter and a telepath so no one in his team really trusts him because of his natural-born abilities. Father Cale is an immortal and a demon slayer so people are afraid of him for that. His wife is half-immortal. Zero was infected by the alien virus. Cat is the daughter of a man who wanted to be a mafia leader but never made it. David is sickly and can't be the protector that he once was also suffering from PTSD that was from his past pains
The living space...
The apartment of David. I wanted to give the sense of loneliness that he is kept away from his family for mysterious reasons. David has gone through a lot in his long life but he struggles to find hope within it.
This is the kind of apartments that the young Protectors live in.