When creating my comic for the second round I first created Blue Jay but not this version. It was his daughter that I created first which is actually funny to think that the daughter is the older character than her dad in reality when it comes to the creation timeline. Hayden as Bluejay was the second character and then came Knight along maybe after.

When creating Knight he went through a lot of design changes. At one point in his designs, he had a fedora and his mask was made of fabric then it went into changes it would soon be the old old mask of his father who was a space Protector and I wanted the mask to reflect an old Space hero from the 1930s like Adam Strange from DC comics. But the only part of their costume that has stayed the same was the drenched coat which was inspired by the Question (also from Dc comics).
Blue Jay was inspired by Nightwing's look but with the colours of a blujay.
The National team

The Northern Protectors I had no idea what I was going to do with them at first when they were created. But as they were getting developed I felt that they were going to be jerks and hard on the young team. I also knew that their abilities would be activated through science. They thought of those whose abilities were given at birth were to be looked at with supposition. They looked at immortal and half- immortals in that way.