Introducing the author
When creating, and writing this about this world of Meggido Esther, was inspired by personal experiences growing up. The universe of Megiddo is named after the location in Israel, where the last battle during the apocalypse is going to happen. This world is destined to be the battlefield for the final war. Esther took inspiration from her faith to create the is world from the beginning to the end. While she was at school Esther saw many groups; the sports kids, the popular kids, the art kids, and the resource kids. Esther was part of the resource kids, and she didn't have an easy time fitting in. There was the"us and them" sort of feel that she had from middle school to high school.
During her time at high school, her universe began. The world of Megddio was once a hopeless place. Then Esther got personal and emotional healing with the support of her faith in Jesus Christ growing, her family, and friends. Esther rebuilt the world to how it is today. Esther found new inspiration along the way.
Hope emerged into her work and struggle that every person could understand, to see the good in bad situations. It was clear that "everyone has a story."
Readers will experience that the characters have their own stories that set them apart as outsiders. But even though the characters are outsiders they want to help the people around them, no matter if the people hate them or not. Rich or poor they want to help.
From this Esther strives to bring hope to people with her stories and also see themselves as one of the characters.